A devastating indictment of how a bunch of supposedly upstanding, professional educational leaders ignored years of credible accusations of child sexual abuse being committed by one of their own, all to protect their precious football empire:
"Penn State's most powerful leaders showed 'total and consistent disregard' for
victims of child sex abuse and failed to protect children, according to the
findings of a long-awaited internal review over how the university handled a
scandal involving its former defensive coordinator."
Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz and Tim Curley should be sharing a 4-man cell with Jerry Sandusky right about now. They deserve to keep each other's vile company for years to come.
If Penn State had a smidgen of shame and remorse they would cancel the entire football season for at least one year to at least attempt to take responsibility for the horrors committed by their former leadership. But no, the current powers-that-be instead replace the departed Joe Paterno (whose death sadly puts him out of the reach of justice as well) with another entrenched program insider. The NCAA should therefore step in and immediately suspend the team from intercollegiate competition until further notice. After all, if this isn't a textbook case of "loss of institutional control" then we don't know what is.