Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Upon further reflection

When I rolled into town yesterday, I drove past the hotel and up the three blocks or so to BSA headquarters in order to make sure I knew where it was, and also to figure out where I'm going to be standing today. I drove into one entrance, passed through their parking lot, and exited out the other driveway in order to turn around and go back to the hotel.

As I cruised through the lot, I made eye contact with a man who was just emerging from the building, presumably on his way home. I now wonder if the only reason I received the email described below a few scant minutes later was because they saw that I was indeed in town and determined to go through with my protest. Otherwise, why not just mail me a response?

Or am I being overly cynical?


Anonymous said...

Do be realistic about your end goals.

If they refuse to give in and provide some vehicle for an Eagle Award, what is your next move? (not that you have to broadcast your punch before you let it fly ... just have a good idea of what it is you are trying to accomplish)

Please post plenty of pics and share them. I will forward them onto the director of Indian Head Council up here in MN. Its the least I can do.

Bike Bubba said...

Do keep in mind what you can and cannot do, as anon counsels. Have you consulted with a lawyer about the statutes of limitations in Maryland for what happened to you with the failure of the BSA?

I wish you well, and sent a note to the BSA about this. Have heard nothing back.

Anonymous said...

I would say that a significant case can be made that the BSA is fully aware of "what lurks behind yon scout master" if in the "Tenderfoot" rank, they even have verbage on how to avoid it.
