Friday, December 5, 2008

Why are you hiding?

Someone from the Dallas area (Irving, maybe?) has taken quite an interest in myself and my websites recently. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Why not contact me directly, instead of constantly checking my blog for updates? I'll let you know my future plans, including my scheduled visit to your headquarters on Tuesday. Boy, you should see the sign I ordered. It's a ripper.


Anonymous said...

Why can't they just see this as an opportunity to make lemonade out of a lemon? They could get such great press (including from you I'm sure) if they would just step up to the plate and deal with this in a positive way.

They blew it years ago... and they blew it a month ago by ignoring a righteous and worthy plea. Now they want to play cloak and dagger? It's pathetic.

Americans are sick and tired of excuse making, hiding and obfuscating on the part of those in authority. How 'bout a simple apology just once in a while... hmmm?

I wish I could see their faces when you actually show up and peacefully picket. Worked for Martin Luther King Jr and Ghandi. Why? Because they were right, and eventually the good ol' "shame on you" works.

My best wishes!

Anonymous said...

I came in from The Northern Muckraker. I know a single mother who has two sons, and I am going to strongly urge her to keep them out of the Boy Scouts.